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Usage of AMP Stories Widget

Widget Demo:

Supported Options

Embed Code Examples


Single Type - 1

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: single (預設值)

  • 開啟圓角 (預設值)

  • 位置: 右上角 (預設值)


Single Type - 2

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-position="left-top" gw-rounded="0" gw-z_index="200"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: single

  • 不開啟圓角

  • 位置: 左上角

  • z-index: 200


Bubble Type - 1

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="bubble"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Bubble

  • 開啟圓角 (預設值)


Bubble Type - 2

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="bubble" gw-rounded="0"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Bubble

  • 不開啟圓角


Card Type - 1

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="card"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Card

  • 開啟圓角 (預設值)


Card Type - 2

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="card" gw-rounded="0"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Card

  • 不開啟圓角


Card Info Type - 1

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="card-info"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Card Info

  • 開啟圓角 (預設值)


Card Info Type - 2

<div class="gstories-widget" gw-id="[your-account-id]" gw-type="card-info" gw-rounded="0"></div>
<script src="" async></script>
  • 樣式: Card Info

  • 不開啟圓角

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